BLOK means information
The fire-fighting market requires more and more qualified maintenance technicians: trained and specialized figures employed in the control and maintenance of fire-fighting systems. A requirement that coincides with the recent publication in the Italian Official Gazette of the “Decreto Controlli” (Control Decree), which determines rules and methods of qualification of technicians in the Italian sector.
BLOK's proposal
For these reasons, ProPHOS Chemicals, through the firefighting division BLOK, is pleased to offer information and training courses aimed at companies, technicians and professionals involved in the firefighting sector.
A series of online events focused on the topic of extinguishing powder: production, regulations, waste, and the waste management are some of the topics that will be proposed and analyzed by internal company resources and external professionals.
An informative journey that can be undertaken not only by qualified technicians and fire-fighting companies but can also be a field of interest for firefighters, and professional figures such as safety consultants, trade associations, supervisory bodies.
The importance of information
Our will is to answer and clarify many of the questions we have collected in our career, or questions that today are even more unclear in the firefighting market, that also generates misunderstandings.
Questions that fall on the different phases of the extinguishing powder life cycle: from production to the generation of waste and, consequently, to its disposal.
A series of meetings and appointments that have the intent to explain the extinguishing agent from a technical point of view but not only: it wants to bring to light and clarify the ethical, regulatory, and environmental aspects of the macro-topic extinguishing powder. An example: the circular economy and recycled powder, that has already been started to be discussed at the European discussion table of Eurofeu (European Committee of the Manufacturers of Fire Protection Equipment and Fire Fighting Vehicles).
Dates and appointments
Our information project has already started with the first webinar on November 11, 2022 (entitled “Polvere estinguente: la parola al produttore - dalla produzione alla corretta gestione del rifiuto"), where we saw great participation from the registered companies.
Precisely for this reason we have decided to propose the webinar again on Friday 27 January 2023 (for the Italian market).
For information please contact Ms. Ambra Lorenzin,
Updates for the international market will follow.